I ran my first marathon right out of college...on very little training (16 mile long run). Needless to say it was rather painful. Training has been something I need to work on because I am so inconsistent. My marathon PR is 5:19 and my half is a 2:17-I hope to improve those times someday.
A few fun facts:
I LOVE the color pink (purple is a close second).
DH and I love movies-our wedding was themed around the movies.
I have a bucket list of races I want to run.
I have a passion for animals-in fact I cannot watch movies where animals are harmed-I cry.
I'm married to a wonderful man, a pilot in fact.
I'm a doctoral candidate studying education.
I want to travel all over the world.
Not only to travel, but to run a marathon, or ultra in all the places I travel to.
My dream job would be to work for the Travel Channel, where I can run races and 'site see' at the same time!
To date I have run 5 marathons, 1 ultra and a bunch of half marathons and other races-
My favorite food is ice cream.
My family!
Top: DH and I
Bottom Left: Bert
Bottom Right: Mandi
Bottom Center: Thurmmie
Mandi bunny. Sweet, sweet girl. :-(