So...I kind of fell off the map...from about mmmm, mid-March until today. I've been in a funk, when it comes to my schooling and my running. I signed up for MIT (Marathoner In Training) and did not attend one summer training session. My marathon and half marathon plans fell through.
I put on weight, got behind in my work, and well, overall just kind of felt sorry for myself.
In other words I was LAME! I had no real reason to be mopey, but I was. I think part of it has to do with the year of right after the other, and not just colds, sinus infections and strep. Honestly it was demoralizing. I would start to get on a roll with my training and then WHAM! Sick again. I tried Vitamin C, probiotics, blah blah blah..nothing seemed to work.
What all this did was just make me mentally unfocused. I couldn't work on my dissertation and I couldn't seem to dedicate myself to any of my training plans. Quite honestly it sucked.
What did I do about this? First I forced myself one day to sit and write and I knocked out 15 pages..a messy 15 pages but it was typed nonetheless! I also took a week off from running-I didn't think about running, I didn't run, maybe walked some, but just did not concern myself with exercise. I realized that part of my funk has all been mental attitude. A week isn't all that long, but it was long enough to make me realize that I just needed to step away from it for awhile. To get my head back in the game. of my lunch walk this afternoon..... I AM BACK!
I have a plan, I have goals and I am going to try my absolute hardest TO MEET MY GOALS!
Goal 1: Finish my dissertation and aim for a May 5 2013 graduation!
Goal 2: Sign-up for and start my first 100 mile race at the Not Yo Momma's 100 miler September 28-29 of 2013!
I've talked about doing an ultra since 2006 when I finished my first marathon....that was 6 years ago. Time to put up or shut up I say!. I've also always said I wanted to earn my doctorate...again, time to put up or shut up!
This blog will focus on these two goals for the next year. Don't worry, the bunnies will still be involved as they are an ever present joy that fills my heart. Each time I blog I will offer my bunny wisdom/antic of the day along with describing my journey towards my two goals!
So, how does one start their journey towards 100 miles and a dissertation? One foot/one word at a time. Today I will run 2-3 miles and work for 2-3 hours on my dissertation reading and writing. With running my first goal is a 5k at the end of this month, it's a small race on a flat course. I just want to get in the habit of running again. For my dissertation I am going to focus on the paper that I am presenting in Chicago next month. The purpose of this is that my paper should be a chapter out of my dissertation.
Each move I make I will do with confidence and purpose! Onwards my friends! And feel free to ask me how both are going...I need some accountability!
RabBIT antic of the day:
When I turned on the light in the bunny room, it looked like they had had a party without know college style where you see red solo cups everywhere and the floor is sticky and there are people lying on couches. Well, replace all that with bunnies...hay was everywhere, they were bleary eyed and sprawled all over the floor.!!!
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