Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chi-Town and Other Bunny News

Hi folks!  First off I would like to say that our veterans are amazing people.  My dad was in the military and I know many of you have loved ones who serve/d as well.  Kudos and hugs to you!

This weekend RnRBunny was in Chi-Town for some deep dish pizza...JUST KIDDING!  Sometimes I forget that my alter ego is working on her dissertation too, so what brought me to the windy city was a conference called the Society for the Philosophical Study of Education...that's geek for Philosophy of Education.

I got to present a paper for the (5th?) year in a row.  I really enjoy this group because many different ideas are appreciated and accepted with this organization.  Plus this was a chance to work on a portion of my dissertation...

No worries, we did have some deep dish which was quite fantastic!  But the rest of the trip was really spent at the conference.

I was registered for the Buckeye Classic 10k on Sunday but did not make it out.  We got back into C-Bus a little after 10pm and I just did not have the juice the next morning after all the travel of the last couple of days.

I did however, register for my first marathon of 2013!  It is right before my birthday and called the Circular Logic Marathon!!! This race is held in West Lafayette Indiana, and what was totally nifty was that you can choose your own race bib number and name on the bib...OK, so most places let you do that, but the race number has a fun meaning for me (more on that later!)

I might be adjusting my 2013 goals a little bit because I have seen multiple opportunities to run a race in drivable states...towards my quest for all 50 and DC...more on that to come.

Otherwise I hope training is going well for everyone and keep on keepin on!

For the record, I did lift when I got home from Chi-Town so I wasn't totally lazy :)  Today marks the start of training so I will keep you posted on that.!

Funny Bunny of the Week:
When you leave town for a couple of days your pets think you have left them!  The look of happiness and excitement my rabbits gave me warmed my heart :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun trip to Chicago! I'll have to look a that race you signed up for!


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