This morning I was hating on the day just because it's a Monday. It reminded me that I really don't want to go to my 9-5'er and that I would much rather be at home and able to work on my dissertation full time. But I can't, so there you have it.
Riddle me this....why is it so freakin easy to put on weight and yet miserably difficult to take it off??? I've finally come to terms with the fact that I need to lose few extra pounds that I put on after the Columbus 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what is the regiment? Lots of exercise, lifting, cardio, my kinect fitness game and of course running. Also, I've started saying 'no' to thing like cake and extra sweets. Yesterday we celebrated my mom's birthday....I love chocolate cake but decided it would be in my best interest to say no. I know in theory we can occasionally have something sweet, but until I learn how to do occasional I think I'm just going to say no. There is always something getting celebrated, at work, at home, and it's not helping my weight loss efforts AT ALL.
So, to throw this out there because if it is in cyberland I feel obligated to do something about it (wasn't there a psychology study where they put a drawing of a pair of eyes next to a candy dish and people took less??)
My starting weight is 138
My goal weight is 120.
Gosh, I have a very long ways to go. First things first would be to make it under 130. Eat like a bunny my DH says...bunnies eat lots of greens and fruit (or their sweets are a limited treat).
So, I'm learning to 'eat like a bunny.'
I'm really excited to start back with the running group next month...and drum roll! I actually applied to be an 'official' Cleveland Marathon blogger. I really hope I get chosen as I think it will really help me out with my running, not to mention I really like the thought of meeting new people along the way.
Since it's Monday and a three day week- Happy Monday!
Very exciting about the official blogger application!