Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What's next for this bunny??

I tell you what!  Coming up with a game plan is something that I am TERRIBLE at.  I think I get it in my head as to what I want to do and then I change my mind.  I am rather ridiculous when it comes to trying to make plans...and following through with them.

Since this year was such a bust I thought I would write out a game plan for the rest of this year and into 2013.  I will put tentative where I am not 100%.

Buckeye Classic 10k
Beat Michigan 5k
Holiday Run (tentative)

Last Chance for Boston Half Marathon
Earth Day Challenge Half Marathon
Cap City Half Marathon (with DH?)
Cleveland Full Marathon

2013 Tentative:
Sunburst Marathon
Emerald City Half Marathon
Air Force Marathon
Columbus Marathon

Some of these I am not sure if I am going to do a half or full so I am leaving the option open and going with the flow.  Cleveland has this great contest where you can be an official blogger of their marathon and I would really like to apply for it.  Thought it could be fun and motivating to meet new people and share the experience.

1 comment:

Thanks for reading! Comments are fun and I get excited to see one:) Friendly encouraging thoughts welcome!